Translation Services

Translation Services

Prevoditelj za hrvatski i engleski

Our Services

The Nitor Translation Agency provides and ensures that translations from English to Croatian and from Croatian to English are at the highest quality, while at the same time developing and maintaining quality client relations.

Our goal is to fulfil every client’s demand, desire and deadline.

Services that the Nitor Translation Agency provides includes:

Written translations: business documents, technical documents, translating texts from the social and humanities fields, translating contracts, catalogues, brochures, medical documents, documents from the fields of finance and banking, economics, insurance, law, marketing and advertising, science and technology, education, gastronomy, building industry, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, etc.

  • Proofreading: translated documents
  • Oral translations: simultaneous translations, consecutive translations, whispering translations
  • Court interpreter – document certification: a court appointed interpreter for the English language translates upon request by the courts, government bodies, legal entities or citizens, spoken and written texts from Croatian into English and vice-versa.


We consider it essential that a translator possess a perfect knowledge of the original and target language, the rules, exceptions and language standards. This is known as the genius of any language.

During the translation process, we communicate with the client and maintain a quality assurance system in order to verify the correctness and the timely completion of the service.

For each large project we utilise a team of native speakers in order to ensure translation consistency and coherency.

Each large translation project is supervised by a project manager responsible for the outcome of the project.

A linguistic redactor inspects whether the translations are suitable for the intended use.

A court appointed interpreter certifies translated documents, if there exists such a need.