


Quality at reasonable prices

We guarantee that we’ll quickly reply to your demands, adhere to agreed deadlines, all this at affordable prices.

If you want to be sure what you’ll get for your money, send us a sample text containing a few lines and we’ll translate it for free!

Don’t waste your time looking any further!

Additional prices for:

  • Specialised documents: an additional 30 % on the basic price
  • Certification of a translation by a court appointed interpreter: plus 30% on the basic price



  • 1 standardised translation page amounts to 1500 characters including spaces.
  • Basic price for translations provided by Nitor usluge d.o.o. includes proofreading by a native speaker.
  • Each initiated hour of consecutive or simultaneous translating is charged at the full hourly rate.


Urgent tariffs

  • Up to an including 7 translation pages during a 24 hour period – no urgent tariff charged.
  • Between 8 and 12 translation pages during a 24 hour period – charged an additional 50% on the total value.
  • For 13 and more translation pages during a 24 hour period – charged an additional 100% on the total amount.