Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision


As a quality orientated translation agency, we adhere to 5 key values that sum up our core philosophy and drive us in our business:

1. Professionalism

We only work with competent and experienced translators. Our personnel comprises highly-educated translators with years of experience.

2. Reliability

We work to satisfy every client need, particularly quality and deadlines.

3. Affordability

We have optimised our work processes in order to ensure high quality translations remain at affordable prices.

4. Native English Speakers

At Nitor, only translators who are native English speakers translate into English.

5. Team of Experts

Every translation we undertake is verified a number of times by the project manager and proof-reader, and finally if required, by the court interpreter if the translation requires certification.


Translating documents into another language is often a reflection of your business requirements.

Translations often contain important and complex technical and specialised information, thus requiring an appropriate and precise translating.

In our work we aim to raise the general level of translating quality and strive to become a synonym for quality English translations in Croatia.